Sunday, June 12, 2011

Moving Forward...Always Forward

More often than not, we all love to play "Monday Morning Quarterback".  We love to rehash the plays that failed and those that were are highest moments of success.

And the Real Estate Market faces the same dilemna day in and day out.  When the market was crazy in 2004/2005, buyers and sellers saw the quick sales pace so differently.  The buyers moaned about the home they bought was there third or eighth offer and they finally got a house, wondering in the coming months if it was a good purchase or just bought because "it was the only one we could land".
The sellers estatic at their good fortune of a quick sale at a price they never thought they would get soon feel like they fumbled the ball.  Their old neighbor only three months time sells his home for $10,000 more!  "Oh, did we sell too quickly??  Did we leave money on the table?"  the seller might have wondered as he rehashed the events.

Neither party frequently retained the joy of the transaction by second guessing the result.  Not much is to be gained by this action but it continues.

Though interest rates are as low as they have been in 50 years, inventories lower than 2010 and market conditions in many areas of the country have improved, "Monday Morning Quarterbacks" abound.  Who hasn't heard some one moan about the impact of short sales and foreclosures on home values while buyers snap up these bargain(with the challenges involved) thus reducing the possible glut of depressed values!!!

Or the home owner with $50,000 equity wondering if just would have sold two years earlier when prices were "stronger" that doesn't realize he would have paid more for the house he purchased at that time.

Rather than looking in the rear view mirror, march ahead!!!   Realize in Real Estate as in life, the present reality is the "reality" we live in.  There is no such thing as the "New" just  is.
If you are ready to move forward, knowing that is the only way to go, you are ready to take advantage of this market's current reality...the only one there is!!!

Bryan Cerny, Associate Broker, GRI, ABR, SRES, SFR
Rose &Womble Realty, Chesapeake, VA
Licensed in VA & NC

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