Thursday, May 21, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

Soon we will join together to celebrate Memorial Day weekend.

Some people will see it only as a day off for a barbecue or nice weekend to get a quick trip to a favorite fishing hole.  Yet, it is so much more.

We remember the men and women who have ensure we live free and have the right to voice variant opinions that we may agree with or not agree with at any given time.  We also remember local heros and their counterparts that serve us day to day.

It is interesting to me how the local police, firemen and EMTs have been celebrated in the last century along with our military forces.   No doubt Memorial Day will always center on the sacrifices and remembering those sacrifices made by members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard over so many years.

And that should never be far from our hearts and our minds

Happy Memorial Day

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